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Chao Garden: Hopper Block Chao

Writer's picture: Piers MorganPiers Morgan

Abilities and Stat Bonuses

Hopper Block Chao are a Unique Rank Attack Support Chao that slowly attacks enemies by firing a beam from its eye for 80 damage and it grants the player a Jump Boost.

How to obtain this Chao

You can obtain this Chao by purchasing it from the Other Mod Chao (OMC) seller for 1 Platinum.

Chao Lore and Personality

Hopper Block Chao spend almost all of their time idle, waiting for a Chao or a gardener to come nearby before they suddenly hop around them. Hopper Block Chao don't have mouths so they can't eat but they can somehow make noises to express themselves. If a Hopper Block Chao is idle and it notices a hostile threat enter the garden, the red spot on their faces start to glow and they fire a powerful laser beam to disintegrate it. Unlike most Chao, Hopper Block Chao aren't like normal Chao and they don't need to eat or sleep. Instead, they power down so they can recharge and get their food by sitting in sunlight, like a solar panel. While they're powered down, they turn into a cube-like form and don't move again until they either recharge or sense a hostile threat nearby. While recharging, other Chao sometimes sit, stand, jump or dance on Hopper Block Chao. This of course, does not bother Hopper Block Chao and they enjoy the company, even while recharging. If there is a group of Hopper Block Chao in a garden, they all may sometimes stack on top of each other while recharging and once their recharging is complete, they hop off each other, one at a time, before going idle again nearby.

Chao History

When I first made this Chao, it was named the QWERTY Chao and it was meant to represent QWERTY. At the time, there were no such thing as Gardener Chao so the name was fine but due to Gardener Chao existing and being made after or by other gardeners, I had to change its name to Hopper Block Chao, after the enemy from the QWERTY mod it's themed after. I also decided to give it a visual update because I made it a year ago and it wasn't as great as it could've been.



Chao Emote Enlarged 2.png

 All rights belong to their respective owners. I do not own some of the art or music shared here. You can find the link to the original sources by clicking the Chao on the right.


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Chao Emote Enlarged.png
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