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Mod(s) and site owner: Piers#8555 on discord

Piers owes his dad: $1,000,030 USD
Below contains information about everyone who's currently working on the garden or has contributed immensely to its development.

Assistant Sprite designer
Hi there, my name is Zaiko. I joined the garden on April 24th 2020 and since then, I've been helping Piers create a lot of video game themed Chao for the Chao Garden mod in Terraria.
I've helped create a total of over 50+ Chao and counting. I also help with some ideas for potential new Chao and designs as well.
One of my achievements is doing more than 100 Chao, most of them I'll be posting on my twitter account as well as artwork unrelated to Chao, which you can see by clicking the icon(s) below.

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