Mod(s) and site owner: Piers#8555 on discord

Piers owes his dad: $1,000,030 USD
Mod Description
Terramon is a cross between Terraria and the awesome Pokémon franchise. The mod adds many Pokémon that spawn under certain conditions and your mission is to catch 'em all! Featuring 145+ diverse Pokémon to catch with a wide range of different Poké Balls, Terramon is the perfect mod to add to your journey.
Terramon currently has; Over 145 Pokémon, brand new UI and mechanics, various decorations and as time progresses there will be things like a battling system, shinnies, trading and much more!

Bonus Mod Media
Click on the different Poké Balls below to be redirected to other medias related to this mod.
Red will take you to their youtube, Blue will take you to their Discord, Black will take you to their forums and Purple will take you to a place where you can download the mod.
Battling is still a big work in progress.
Please be respectful and read their FAQ channels to avoid asking questions that may have been asked before.