Mod(s) and site owner: Piers#8555 on discord

Piers owes his dad: $1,000,030 USD
Mod Description
This is the community of the Terraria Youtuber known as Ritto Gaming. Ritto makes chill content like let's plays and showcases about their favorite game, Terraria. Over in their discord, they mainly just hangout and talk but sometimes they do events and building competitions for some of Rittos playthroughs!
Check out Ritto's YouTube channel or come hang out with us in his discord server!

Custom Partnership Chao
The Chao below were created to represent and celebrate the partnership of this mod!
Ritto Log Chao & Derpy Log Chao
& Wendy Fumo Chao

Bonus Mod Media
Click on the different fruit below to be redirected to other medias related to this mod.
The Blue Fruit will take you to their Discord and the Red Fruit will take you to their Youtube Channel, where you can watch their awesome videos!