Mod(s) and site owner: Piers#8555 on discord

Piers owes his dad: $1,000,030 USD
Mod Description
The Chao Island mod adds over 1000+ uniquely created Chao pets that help you in various ways be it buffing your stats, gathering items or attacking your enemies. The Chao Island mod also lets you play as some of your favorite characters like Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and more as well as some special Chao that have unique sounds!
The Chao Island mod is a must have when you play modded Terraria because each Chao makes your life easier because of their varying abilities and they can have a huge impact on the games progression.

Bonus Mod Media
Click on the different fruit below to be redirected to other medias related to this mod.
Yellow will take you to their forums, Blue will take you to their Discord, Red will take you to their youtube and Purple will take you to a place where you can download the mod.