Mod(s) and site owner: Piers#8555 on discord

Piers owes his dad: $1,000,030 USD
Mod Description
Ultranium is a pretty large content mod that expands and improves vanilla gameplay. It focuses on adding more content, such as weapons and armor, as well as new bosses and enemies into the game.
Ultranium adds: Over 200 items, including weapons and armor. A total of 9 brand new bosses spread throughout the game. A bunch of post-Moon Lord content, a new post-Moon Lord event called the "Abyssal Armageddon", The Pink Beach which generated upon world creation, The Reefs which found beneath the pink beach and much more.
This mod has boss checklist/boss log support.
Bonus Mod Media
Click on the different fruit below to be redirected to other medias related to this mod.
Blue will take you to their Discord, Red will take you to their youtube, Green will take you to their forums, Green will show you the trailer and Purple will take you to a place where you can download the mod.