Let me tell you about the various playable characters and playable Chao in the Sonic Adventure: Chao Island Mod! You can play as a current total of 9 playable characters and up to 23 different kinds of Chao! Scroll down to find out more about them.

Let me tell you about how transformations work!
Transformations can be equipped in your accessory slot and each character transformation grants you unique stats and abilities. Each character transformation has their own strengths and weaknesses so it's important to play as the right character at the right time for maximum effectiveness on your journey!
Let me tell you about how you can obtain each character!
As you progress through your journey, the Black Market Chao or the BMC for short, will move into your house to sell you various items. You can purchase each transformation from the Black Market Chao for a reasonable amount of gold. Some transformations may or may not be hidden behind progression in the future so it might be a good idea to buy them all while you have the chance. You never know what each update will bring!
Let me tell you about transformations and their stats! Transformations don't just add unique sounds and a cool new look, transformations add stats that grow with you as you progress through your journey and defeat bosses! You'll notice that when you defeat a boss for the first time in your world, you'll gain an increase to your stats. This can only occur one time after defeating a boss for the first time per world. To further explain this, if you defeat the Eye of Cthulhu for the first time, you'll gain new stats depending on your character but you won't get anymore stats from defeating that boss after the first time. We try to keep it balanced in the garden!

Starting a new Character:
You may already know that when you start the mod with a new character, you'll start with Sonic and Tails. The reason you start with these two is for multiplayer reasons, of course! Now you can tell your friends: "I'm already Sonic!"
Here's a step by step guide on how to get and use your transformations:
Make a new character or build a house so the Black Market Chao can move in.
Drag or right click the transformation you've obtained to equip it.
You are now playing as your desired character!
Progress through the game and defeat each boss and watch your stats grow with each victory.
(Optional:) Try different combinations of Chao and Character Transformations that compliment your character and find which character is the best for you.
Have fun and enjoy your adventure!