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Chao Garden: Light Fruit

What does it do or what is it used for?

Light Fruit for Chao only! Feeding this fruit to your Chao turns them into a Light Chao.

Additional Information

The maximum stack limit of this item you can carry is 999 and it sells for 60 Silver.

How can I obtain this item?

You can obtain this item by combining Fruit with a Light Shard or by purchasing it from the Black Market Chao (BMC) for 2 Gold.

What's the Lore Behind this item?

Light Fruit emanates an unusual light and if consumed, it will cause your skin to faintly glow for a short period of time.

What's the items history?

Light Fruit doesn't have much history besides it being an accidental experiment and the only way to obtain a Light Chao.

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