Harvester Chao are extremely helpful companions you can collect and evolve in the Sonic Adventure: Chao Island Mod. Harvester Chao aren't just companions though, they have a very specific function that normal Chao don't have; the ability to gather items of their specific type! This is very handy and time saving many things like making items, getting money or building while you progress through your many journeys in Terraria!

What are Harvester Chao?
As you progress through your journey in Terraria, you'll find yourself collecting all kinds of items that you can combine with your Chao eggs to make a new species of Chao called the Harvester Chao, which gather items for you after a set amount of time and even grant you small buffs that match their species. Harvester Chao were first created by someone named "Alpha" years ago and are still being figured out to this day. The first Harvester Chao was the Dirt Chao, which shaped the way for all other Harvester Chao. Unfortunately, Chao aren't advanced enough that you can just give them your item directly so you'll have to combine the egg with the eligible item in order to evolve that Chao into a specific species. To do this, you'll have to unequip your Chao egg and combine it with an item, as you would crafting just about any item in Terraria. For the sake of convenience, you won't need a crafting bench to evolve your Chao unless you're making Robot Chao.
Harvester Chao and how they can help you
Harvester Chao are extremely helpful for progressing through Terraria, especially if you play in many gardens or "mods" as it's called. Harvester Chao make your life much easier by gathering numerous ores, bars or even other items for you after a small period of time while you progress and then they leave them on the floor nearby for you to pick up. Aren't they handy? This saves you a lot of time and resources when it comes to looking for ores underground, building, crafting and it's good for making quick money by selling the ores or items they gather for you after a period of time! When starting in a new garden, always make sure you have the right Harvester Chao to accompany you! There are a lot to choose from and you might even find a Harvester Chao that has powerful and helpful buffs to assist you throughout your entire play time! That's not all though, you can keep your Harvester Chao with you even after you no longer need their specific item(s), as they'll follow you and drop items for you forever.
Obtaining a Harvester Chao

To obtain a Harvester Chao, you have to meet their specific requirements. For example; After you gather the right amount of Iron Ores, you can unequip your Chao egg and craft a Baby Iron Chao, which also has a few evolutions or even a lot to choose from! There's a Harvester Chao for every type of Ore and their gathering speed depends on their type. For example; A Tin Chao will quickly gather Tin but a Luminite Chao will take a very, very long time to gather Luminite as it is much rarer and harder to find, as anyone would expect from both ore rarities. It's balanced, as all things should be!
Step by step guide on how to obtain a Harvester Chao:
Obtain the Chao egg of your choice.
Give your Chao egg to the guide and see what items, ores or bars they need.
After that, gather all the needed items your Chao will need to evolve.
Make sure the items you need to combine with your Chao egg are in your inventory as well as the Chao egg itself. Don't forget to unequip your Chao egg!
Combine them all together and then equip your brand new Chao.
Be patient as it may take awhile for your Chao to gather the specific item(s) you want. Refer to the above and look through the site to see their specific times.
Additional Information About Harvester Chao

Harvester Chao, the first ever Harvester Chao was the Dirt Chao, which was created sometime back in 2019 and I've been trying to figure out Harvester Chao for years now. Although the concept may seem simple, if they gather items too quickly or too fast like they used to, it can break the game and it's been something I've been balancing for years now. Over the years, I have gone back and revamped a lot of Harvester Chaos designs and I've changed their timers and code over and over again, until we got to where we are now. One of the most complicated things about Harvester Chao that I've been struggling with is giving them all unique designs, as I'm more of an editor than a spriter and in most cases, I can only work with things that already exist. It's been 4 years since Harvester Chao have first been created and they're going to get their next huge update, the Harvester Chao v3 update, in 2022 which will give them all unique forms and make it so once you obtain a Harvester Chao, you can progress through the game with that Harvester Chao and still be powerful or somewhat powerful.