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Chao Island: Adult Boreal Wood Chao

Abilities and Stat Bonuses

Adult Boreal Wood Chao are a Rare Rank Harvester Chao that drop 15 Boreal Wood for the player every 16 seconds.

How to obtain this Chao

You can obtain this Chao by feeding your Wood Chao 60 Wood Fruit and 3000 Boreal Wood.

Chao Lore and Personality

In their adult stage, Wood Chao spend all of their time eating and replanting trees around the garden. If there are no trees, Wood Chao can and will patiently wait for a tree to fully regrow before it eats and replants it. These Chao can survive for years without eating and they only eat to continue growing in size and strength. Fully matured, they now have tougher skin than real wood and their bodies have basically become entirely made out of wood, yet still squishy enough to bend and bounce. Since their bodies have hardened slightly more than a real tree, these Chao have a difficult time moving but they still can move enough to participate in events like Chao Karate and Chao Hide 'n Seek. Since Adult Wood Chao struggle to move, they've become defensive in Chao Karate and focus on pushing their opponents out of the ring. In combat, they wrap their arms around their opponent and slowly walk towards the edge of the ring to throw them off. If their opponent isn't strong enough to break free of their grasp, they'll be slowly and effortlessly carried to the end of the ring and thrown off before the timer runs out.

Wood Chao are great at Hide 'n Seek because they can blend in with their surroundings, making them very difficult to find if they play in the right areas. In Hide 'n Seek, they don't have to worry about their limited movement and have a blast playing with others.

Even as adults, they still don't enjoy swimming or running because their hardened and heavier body have made it near impossible to carry themselves in bodies of water. Sometimes Adult Wood Chao like to jump into small bodies of water and float there for awhile for fun before crawling out. If it is a large and deep body of water, they will float there endlessly until they're either taken out by a gardener or by a fellow Chao. Because of their extended time studying, Adult Wood Chao are incredibly intelligent and when they're put into Chao Schools, they'll happily spend their day passing down their wisdom to younger Chao. Adult Wood Chao can live for more than a hundred years if they're given the proper love and care. However, at any time, if these Chao consume enough resources, they'll evolve into their Chaos Form and become twice as powerful.

Chao History

Adult Boreal Wood Chao are based off all of the Boreal Wood from Vanilla Terraria.

If it were possible, I'd make it so that snow fell off of Boreal Wood Chao but I'm not knowledgeable with particles and I don't really want to put the effort in to do it, being honest, so it's never going to happen. ...It'd be cool tho.

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