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Chao Garden: Spinel Chao

Writer's picture: Piers MorganPiers Morgan

Chao Lore and Personality

Spinel Chao is the fun of the garden, entertaining and playing with all of the Chao in the garden. Spinel Chao never tires and excels at mobility. Spinel Chao thinks that every single activity is a game and will playfully engage with who or whatever approaches it. Whenever the gardener goes on an adventure, Spinel Chao is always happy to go with them and if the gardener tries to leave them behind, Spinel Chao will become angry and follow them anyway. Spinel Chao have short attention spans so they don't stay angry.

Abilities and Stat Bonuses

Spinel Chao grants immunity to Fall Damage and gives the player a flat 6,000 maximum health. Once you equip Spinel Chao, it won't leave you, even if unequipped, until you die or you leave the game.

How to obtain this Chao

Spinel Chao can only be obtained if you give a Pink Chao Chao 3000 Life Crystals.

Chao History

The Spinel Chao is a Chao that's very personal to me and my life experiences. I used to relate very heavily to Spinel from Steven Universe, specifically the song "Drift Away" and I would often find myself in the same situation as her for years, always happily waiting for someone I loved who was never going to come back. When I'm incredibly cheerful, the song "Let us Adore you" by the Diamonds and Spinel comes to mind and I felt compelled to make a Spinel Chao so everyone can love and appreciate it as much as I did while working on it.


While I put a lot of thought and heart into making the Spinel Chao, I'm still not as talented as I would like to be so I had to look for an already existing sprite to base it off of. Then I saw this pixel art made by someone called The-Zakz and it went from there. I then had to think about how to make the Spinel Chao obtainable in game, which was to make it by combining a Pink Chao and only a Pink Chao with Heart Crystals. Doing the math, it would take no more than 300 Heart Crystals in total to reach 6,000 health, the amount of time Spinel waited in the garden for Pink Diamond to return.



Chao Emote Enlarged 2.png

 All rights belong to their respective owners. I do not own some of the art or music shared here. You can find the link to the original sources by clicking the Chao on the right.


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